Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Written Response To Lis Pendens

Yes, we can (Yes, we can)

The man is Barack Obama, the newly inaugurated President of the United States of America. The first African American (or part since his mother is white) to occupy the White House.
The road has been easy, had to get the nomination as presidential candidate of his party after a long primary in which his opponent was none other than Hillary Clinton, a party heavyweight, former wife of President and Senator as he . His motto was
Yes we can, we can and of course I'm going to appropriate. This year will no doubt be difficult, the economic situation is complicated and is easy to get carried away by all the messages of doom and hopelessness. However, we are stronger than we think, nothing is impossible and we must first of all to trust us and our possibilities. So as Obama say to all entrepreneurs: Yes we can!
Instead of me falling on the road and mourn for the difficult situation, I'd rather sit down to think and reflect on the best plan to achieve my goals.

Photos: Daniel Kurtzman Political humor
Carie Mercier Lafond is the director of KarysaBeauty.com . Consultant and coach in image and marketing personnel, a degree in Business Administration.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fotod De Littlepetshop

Happy New Year 2009

We're almost halfway through the month of January but did not want to miss the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2009.
year behind us has been one of great challenges and I think I learned a lot of difficulties and challenges current crisis.
The most powerful element we have is our mind. Our thoughts are the most determined who we are or not capable of doing. So from here I want to invite you to phase out negative thoughts, self-criticism (if they have a good foundation.) A good way is to carry a small notebook and to write down our thoughts, be aware of them to modify them or encourage them.
I leave you with some quotations
"Man often becomes what he thinks. If you keep telling yourself you can not do a certain thing, you may end up being unable to do it. If, however, if I have the belief I can, seguramente adquiriré la capacidad de hacerlo, incluso aunque si no la tengo al principio." Mahatma Gandhi.

"Lo importante es esto: Ser capaces en cualquier momento de sacrificar lo que somos para ser lo que podriamos ser.
-- Charles Dubois
¿Qué te parece? ¿Estás o no de acuerdo?