Sunday, January 23, 2011

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The secrets of success by Sara Blakely, Spanx president

Sara Blakely is a great businesswoman, accomplished with very little investment to achieve a very successful company, Spanx is dedicated to creating clothing inside the body molding and has managed to diversify the business by creating lines of luxury Men's clothes now includes underwear and moldeante.

is very interesting to hear advice from people who have achieved success in business. You can always get ideas, principles and strategies that can be applied to our company.

1. You are the best focus group or focus group
If you believe in your idea and the need for your product, go for it. Many people in the world business told me that my idea of \u200b\u200bsocks without feet never work. But I focused on my research, I searched online and in every store this type of product and had my focus group (me!) knew she desperately needed my product and could not find it anywhere. I had to trust my intuition. In fact not talked to anyone about my idea for an entire year!

2. You must be willing to do everything
No job is too complicated. Personally sold stockings without feet to department stores, while there could not be expected to be sold so I traveled alone across the country. Some women gave me ideas or tricks to share with the "owner of the company" had no idea she was the owner! I learned a lot about the sale and the reasons why women buy, valuable lessons that still serve me today.

3. Do it yourself
If he had made and sold my idea to another company (very hard to do) would not be here today. You're the best person to distribute and sell your idea. Your great idea is your chance to get the American dream so do not try to sell it to another company. You can do it yourself!

4. Invest in marketing and selling your
product I started my business with only 5000 USD, therefore had no money to hire lawyers to draft patent, publicity or even to rent an office. Instead what I did was speak to the media to know Spanx, I traveled to stores around the country and spent on average in the departments of women talking about Spanx.Tienes to do what I do need to sell your product.

5. Do not give up! Itard
more than two years from conception of the idea for Spanx until I had the product in hand ready to sell two stores. I should hear the word "no" más de mil veces! Estaba trabajando a tiempo completo vendiendo máquinas de fax y tratando de que me fabricaran el producto y luego resulta que los hombres que dirigían la fábrica de medias no creían en mi idea.¡ Si crees al 100% en tu idea no dejes que nadie te pare!

6. No te dejes intimidar por lo que no sabes.
No he tomado en la vida una lección de administración de empresas. Si lo hubiera hecho, lo más seguro es que no habría llamado al comprador de Neiman Marcus( grandes almacenes de lujo de los EEEUU).  Me encuentro con muchas mujeres que piensan que deben de saberlo todo antes de montar una empresa. No dejes que eso te paralice. No existe una fórmula mágica o regla para saber cómo comenzar un negocio. Lo que no sabes puede hacer que tu enfoque sea más creativo y hacer que tu producto se distinga más de la competencia. Con cada cosa que hacía, me preguntaba a mí misma: ¿En qué soy diferente? ¿En qué o cómo puedo hacer que mi producto sea diferente?

¿Conocías la historia de éxito de Sara Blakely? ¿Cuál es la mujer emprendedora que te ha inspirado más?

Fotos: Sucessmagazine
Carie Mercier Lafond es Coach de Imagen personal y empresarial  y Experta en Branding Personal, si want to use the full power of your image to achieve your goals visit now


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