Tuesday, November 11, 2008

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The circle of support of being Human: The family

Os transcribo el artículo de Fernando Saguier publicado en el diario La Nación titulado'Lo importante viene después del trabajo' basado en la conferencia ante 2500 ejecutivos en ExpoManagement de Fernando Parrado .
No tiene desperdicio, de modo que espero que la disfrutéis.

"¿Qué conferencista logra now fill an audience of 2500 business executives, many with their wives and children, and talk for an hour and a half without a fly fly? Fernando Parrado, one of 16 survivors of the tragedy of the Andes , 36 years after that story that shocked the world yesterday got more than that, move to a business forum and business training to convey the simple morals that 72 days left to live in the Cordillera without food or water.
was during the closing day of ExpoManagement 2008. His presentation, no low blows a monologue accompanied by videos and images of the mountain, had two very different stages. In the first narrated, with an intimate account repleto de anécdotas, los momentos que lo marcaron de aquella odisea a 4000 metros de altura en la que perdió a buena parte de sus amigos, además de su madre y su hermana. '¿Cómo es posible sobrevivir donde no se sobrevive?', se preguntó. 'Sobrevivimos porque hubo liderazgos, toma de decisiones y espíritu de equipo, porque nos conocíamos desde mucho antes' , dijo.
Y arrojó un primer disparador. 'En la vida el factor suerte es fundamental . Cuando llegué al aeropuerto de Montevideo no daban número de asiento para el avión. A mí me tocó, de casualidad, la fila 9, junto a mi mejor amigo. Cuando el avión chocó en la montaña, se partió in two. Row 9 for nothing was left behind. The 29 survivors were on first impression the party was safe. "
'of them? Said?, 24 did not suffer a scratch. Thus, the less shocked they began to help by acting as a team. Administer chocolate bars and peanuts to eat a grain point for hours each. Marcelo, our captain and leader, took his role to hold us when we asked what happened that did not reach the rescue. We decided to hold on. "
But days later the leader collapsed. The radio brought the news that he had completed the rescue. 'How would you react? ? Challenged the audience?. The leader breaks, gets depressed and no longer is. Imagine if I close this room, under the temperature to -14 degrees without food or water waiting who dies first. " Eerie silence of the first to the last row.
'Then I realized that the universe does not care what happens to us. Tomorrow the sun will rise and will as ever. Therefore, we had to make decisions. At night we said 12 or 13 with one of the boys: "What are you thinking?" "Just as you. We have to eat, and proteins in the body. "We made a pact between us, was the only option. We face a stark truth and inhumane. "
From the first row, dozens of children taken by their parents listened open-mouthed. Parrado appealed to traditional concepts of business. "There was planning, strategy development. Each one began to do something useful, to help us stay alive: shoes, sticks, small human expeditions. We know our icy prison. "
'Till I chose for the final issue, because the mountain was killing us, weaken us, we had food. Terrified climbed to the top of the mountain with Roberto Canessa. We thought there see the green valleys of Chile and met with snow and mountains to 360 degrees. I decided that walking would die there somewhere. "
Then came the most unexpected moment. 'This is not the story I came to tell, "he warned. And he told his real story began to return home without her mother and sister, not his childhood friends and his father as a couple again.
'Crisis? What crisis talk to me? "Stress? What stress? Stress is to be dead at 6000 meters without food or water, "he stressed.
recalled a fundamental dialogue he had with his father, who said, 'Look forward, go after that girl you liked, tené life and work. I made the mistake of not telling your mother so much for being so busy. "
and closed, determinado: 'Las empresas son importantes, el trabajo lo es, pero lo verdaderamente valioso está en casa después de trabajar: la familia. No se olviden de quien tienen al lado, porque no saben lo que va a pasar mañana. '
Una interminable ovación lo despidió de pie"
Como dice el Sr. Parrado la vida profesional es muy importante pero lo son aún más las relaciones. No olvidemos cuáles son nuestras prioridades y periódicamente tenemos que revisar con quién o en qué pasamos nuestro tiempo.

Carie Mercier Lafond es Economista y asesora y coach de imagen. Si deseas suscribirte a su boletín GRATUITO y recibir de regalo el ebook "Vístete para triunfar" visita ahora www.asesoria-de-imagen.com


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