Monday, October 27, 2008

Shingles And Genital Sores

What sold more in times of crisis?

All is not despair, destruction and loss in times of crisis. It is true that the situation is not favorable but not everything is negative. There is nothing worse than losing hope, not be able to see different points of view and what is more important to find solutions to problems. As says Jamila White, better known by his nickname "the e-commerce diva" (the diva of electronic commerce), the main enemy of your business is fear. That paralyzing fear that keeps us from thinking and makes tomemos decisiones precipitadas.

Es cierto que no podemos controlar todo pero sí hay cosas que están dentro de nuestra esfera de posibilidades y una de ellas es el marketing de nuestros negocios.
Me ha parecido interesante compartir con vosotros las tendencias sobre los productos que más se venden en tiempos de crisis, son los siguientes:

1. Seguridad

Con tantos rumores sobre bancos y otras instituciones financieras en enormes dificultades, mucha gente empieza a desconfiar de ellos. Un reflejo es comprar cajas de seguridad. Por lo tanto todos los productos y servicios que tienen que ver con la seguridad, la protección de la casa o del dinero tienen que estar en la primera plana de nuestra web.
Incluso if we do not sell anything related to security, we can emphasize the security features of our products and services in your description.

2. Comfort food (or comfort food)

there foods that make them feel safe, it seems the soup is one of those dishes, so many soups were sold at this time. The same applies to the Nordic comforters or keep us safe from everything, we are protected.

therefore also have to put these products on the first page. They also work great nostalgic items that people remember better times.

3. "Little luxuries"

Today it looks much what car to buy and if they spend a lot of petrol or diesel and we are not interested, the same goes for entire weekends at a spa that does not mean that people can totally do without luxury. An excellent choice is the "little luxuries" such as cosmetics, beauty and other products that allow us to take care when our budget is very limited.

4. Money management tools

All products, services or tools that help people manage their money is selling well. With global finance out of control, people look for ways to better manage the money they have.

Therefore, products such have to be on the cover and if the product features that allow you to save money, do not forget to underline them.

5. Education, Training, Auto-AyudaValue-Size Products
We are all interested in acquiring skills that allow us to be more valued in the labor market, new strategies to manage business relationships more enjoyable. With this in mind
any seminar, training or self-help product must promote it to stop.

6. Funding.
Since there is little money available, if you offer high-priced products is intereante offer the alternative of paying in easy installments. This issue can get que logras más ventas o que se estanquen.

Lo que no hay que hacer bajo ningún concepto es reducir los precios porque podemos caer en una espiral continua de bajada de precios y por supuesto, dejar de obtener beneficios. No podemos dejar que por miedo a perder clientes nuestros productos empiecen a perder valor y luego es muy difícil que entiendan que los precios tienen que subir.
¿Qué otras cosas crees que se venden bien en épocas de crisis?

Carie Mercier Lafond es Economista y asesora y coach de imagen. Si deseas suscribirte a su boletín GRATUITO y recibir de regalo el ebook "Vístete para triunfar" visita ahora


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